Friday, November 7, 2008

free friday

The instructions for today is that we need to write about any topic in our journal. We get the choice to write about anything in our lives or things that might not even be in our lives. I know people will write about football, sports, or things that might seem to be extremely important, but me being the complicated person I am, can't make up my mind. There are so many options to pick from. Choices range from sports, waffles, or anything else in that matter. If I actually really sat down and thought deep about one topic I could probably write something that sounds intellectual and clever. But since I'm in a class that people can't just sit down without commenting on every single sound that is made I can't. Which might not be a absolute bad thing. So I've come to the conclusion that I would ramble about what I should write then actually picking something and writing about it.

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